Bathroom: Cleanse Your Soul

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A New Sister In Christ!

Courtney at HQ

Jenny met a nice young lady named Courtney last Saturday on her walk.  Courtney is 19 years old, and grew up going to church on and off.  She never committed her life to Christ, however.  Well, on Wednesday night, Jenny & Darcy were praying with her, and she asked them to help pray for her salvation.  After explaining what Salvation was, Courtney decided she wanted to ask Christ to be her personal Lord and Savior.  So, Praise God, as He is so kind to us!  She is now going through the "Begin In Christ" series with Jenny, who will probably be staying here this fall!  I'm sure Jenny can fill everyone in on the rest of the details at a later date!  Praise God!

Official Launch

Easter Sunday,
April 4, 2010

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